June 15th
2013, the Hankyoreh reported
that a group of part-time
workers held a protest outside the Korea Employers’ Federation
building in Seoul’s Mapo district during the Minimum Wage
Committee’s meeting. The protesters called for a minimum wage of
₩10,000 per hour (about US$9.50).
Source: http://english.hani.co.kr/arti/english_edition/e_national/591936.html |
arguments that are laid out to increase minimum wage rates are all
too familiar: low-income earners cannot keep pace with the rate of
inflation, people must be guaranteed a livable wage so that they may
“live with dignity,” etc.
difficult to not sympathize with, these arguments are, in effect,
emotional arguments, which, when studied rationally, people will be
able to see that they do not achieve their intended goals. In fact,
these laws, when put into effect, actually make things worse,
especially for those that the laws were designed to help in the first
of the first lessons that one learns in Basic Economics is that the
price of goods and services is determined by the level of supply and
demand. At some point, the level of supply of and demand for goods
meet and this point is known as the equilibrium point. The
equilibrium point, ceteris paribus, determines the price at which
sellers are willing to supply goods and consumers are willing to pay
for goods. If the price is artificially set above the equilibrium
point, then suppliers wanting to maximize profits will produce more
of the goods but the consumers will not be able to afford them. This
leads to a surplus of unsold goods. On the other hand, if the price
is artificially set below the equilibrium point, then suppliers who
feel that they might not even be able to recover their initial
investments will produce less of the goods whereas the consumers, who
can now afford more, will demand for more of the goods. This leads
to a shortage of goods.
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Obligatory economic graph showing supply and demand curves and the equilibrium point Source: http://realintent.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/supplydemand-graph.gif |
seems obvious enough and most people can recognize this supply-demand
mechanism. This mechanism is what determines the price of
everything, including the price of labor.
don't particularly enjoy thinking of ourselves as economic
commodities. We are, after all, human beings; each with our own sets
of dreams, hopes, and fears. However, labor is indeed an economic
commodity and what we call “wages” is, in fact, the cost of
back to the supply-demand mechanism, when we look at a neat economic
chart, it becomes very clear that a minimum (known as a price floor
in economic parlance) leads to a surplus of unsold labor aka more
unemployed people than there would be had there been
market-determined wage rates instead.
shall attempt to explain how this surplus comes about.
economists will argue that when wages are artificially raised,
businesses will simply ‘shift’ the increased costs to consumers
in the form of higher prices, which leads to a general increase in
the price of most, if not all, commodities. This is a type cost-push
inflation argument. This does NOT generally occur.
do raise prices when faced with inflation (to explain what inflation
really is and its causes requires another very long essay of its own)
but for the most part, businesses do not like to raise prices.
Raising prices tends to make businesses less competitive, especially
if they have to compete with foreign imports or operate within highly
inflation is a theory proposed by some economists who subscribe to
the idea that businesses maximize their profits by charging highest
possible prices (within limits that allow businesses to maximize
profits while at the same time remain competitive). This is a
fallacy. In reality, businesses do not maximize profits by charging
highest possible prices. They do so by minimizing costs.
take Starbucks Coffee, Angel-in-Us Coffee, and Tom N Tom’s Coffee
for example. All three businesses sell nearly identical goods and
services. Should any one of those businesses raises its prices,
there are other coffee franchises (not to mention the thousands of
other cafes that exist) that customers can choose to patronize
instead. Therefore, in order to remain competitive and maximize
profits, instead of charging highest possible prices, businesses have
to minimize production costs via wholesale buying of supplies and
equipment, outsourcing transportation needs, etc.
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Wholesale looks as boring as it sounds Source: http://www.hahebo.com/h4_hahebo/upload/3019opkoper_opkoper.jpg?w=575&h=252&c=C&zw=0 |
let’s assume that the protesters get what they want and the minimum
wage is raised. Would this affect large corporations like Starbucks
or Angel-in-Us? Yes, it would. Unless heavily dependent on machine
labor, most businesses almost always cite labor as its biggest cost.
However, these large corporations are very efficient businesses.
I don't mean that large corporations are somehow more hardworking
than small businesses. I mean it strictly in the economic sense of
the word, ie. economies of scale aka ability to minimize production
means that large corporations can absorb higher wage rates into their
production costs and still maintain very high profit margins without
having to lay off a significant number of their workers or charge
significantly higher prices to their customers. The same cannot be
said of smaller, less efficient businesses like, say, your local fair
trade-supporting organic coffee shop . That less efficient coffee
shop will have no choice but to lay off workers in order to stay
competitive against corporate competitors such as Starbucks; and if
that option is unavailable, worst-case scenario, it will have to go
out of business.
short, the minimum wage affects small businesses negatively more than
they do large corporations. By forcing businesses to pay a minimum
wage that might be higher than what businesses can afford, the
government will cause more unemployment via foreclosures of smaller
marginal businesses and thus compel more people to rely on government
handouts, which is the exact opposite of the these laws’ intended
the story doesn't end there. As a result of the wage increase,
people who work in corporations will be relatively well-off and union
workers, whose union bosses always make sure that their members’
wages are almost always placed above the average Consumer Price
Index, will also be relatively well-off.
what about marginal workers? Who are marginal workers? Take your
pick: high school dropouts, college dropouts, teen moms, ethnic
minorities, immigrants, the disabled, juvenile delinquents, parolees,
reasons that are too numerous to speculate, whether the reasons are
justifiable or not, businesses tend to avoid hiring these workers
because of the risks that are perceived to be associated with them.
This means that even under normal circumstances, businesses are less
willing to employ them and even if businesses do employ them, they
would only do so on a lower-than-market wage rate. The minimum wage
would, in effect, artificially inflate the cost of hiring such risky
marginal workers for businesses, which would transform these marginal
workers into unemployable workers, thus inadvertently causing the
poor to stay poor. Again, this is the exact opposite of these laws’
intended objectives.
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Passing laws with unintended consequences since Day 1 Source: http://www1.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Canadian+Prime+Minister+Stephen+Harper+Visits+twU0KcYTOmhl.jpg |
why do people like those protesters support such laws? There are a
number of reasons.
people oftentimes make the mistake of equating wealth with money.
Wealth is not, in fact, money. Real wealth, all mushiness aside, are
the goods and services that we can buy. Money is merely the medium
of exchange that is used to buy these goods and services. People
make the mistake of thinking that the more money we have, the
wealthier we are but this is simply not true unless there is a
proportionally greater increase in the production of goods and
services that we can buy with that increased income.
we have more money but still have the same set of goods and services
that we can buy, yes, we will FEEL richer but in the long-run, our
increased income will not be able to buy more than what reality
allows us to buy. In fact, due to inflationary pressures, our
purchasing power will, at best, stay the same or, at worst,
it is my belief that people’s emotional faculties are more highly
developed than their rational faculties. History has shown
repeatedly that we cannot eradicate poverty by legislative fiat or
just by simply throwing money at the poor. Governments have pursued
anti-poverty programs for as long as governments have been around and
each and every last one of them has failed. Raising the minimum wage in the past did nothing to alleviate poverty. There is no reason to believe that raising the hourly minimum wage to ₩10,000 or ₩1,000,000 will alleviate poverty either.
we're not talking about the price of diamonds or fancy sports cars.
Those are just things. We're talking about ourselves – humanity –
in all our beauty, ugliness, glory, shame, triumphs, failures, joys,
sorrows, hopes, fears, etc. In our pride and vanity, both deservingly
and undeservingly, we become emotional and spit out half-baked
pseudo-economic statements such as “the market-determined wage rate
is too low in a free market.”
the end of the day, labor, which is merely one of the near infinite
number of goods and services that we buy and sell, no matter how
personal it is to us, is merely yet another economic commodity that
must obey the fundamental rule of supply and demand.
understand where the desire for the minimum wage comes from. We wish
to improve our own standard of living and also help the poor. By
supporting and enacting these policies, however, we will only hurt
ourselves. In order to avoid hurting our own economic interests, we
ought to be as rational as possible and instead of judging government
policies based on their intentions, we ought to judge them based on
their actual results.
we really wish to improve our economic condition and standard of
living, instead of trying to artificially raise wages by legislative
fiat, we should have the government intrude less on businesses and
leave the free market, aka us, to function on its own independent
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Source: http://www.aei-ideas.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/PayneMinWage.jpg |
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